What custom ideas can we do for you?
These are of our top selling fishing Custom Kayak Trailers that we built to date. As you can see, plenty of room for any three large Kayaks. Fishing Kayaks are a little unique. Since even the most keenest fisherman is trying to keep up with all of the advantages Kayak sellers have to offer, their Kayaks are loaded with a lot of precious equipment. Here at Custom Kayak Trailers, we have you the fishing expert kayaker in mind, and not just your Kayaks.
We offer several options for this wonderful Custom Kayak Trailer:
- 49″ w x 15″ T x 15″ D Paddle box. Large enough to carry your fishing tackle, paddles, life preservers and anything else in dry storage.
- Hide-a-Way spot for a cooler. just give us the dimensions of your cooler and we will do the rest. it can be either lockable or just set in and pull a strap over. your preference.
- Lockable basket for wet storage. (muddy boots, wet gear etc)
- Rod Holder, (dry Storage) 6 ” pipe with lockable door. can fit 8 rods and reels inside
Our comments on the above Explorer Series Trailer:
My customers really seem to love our “Explorer” Series Kayak Trailers. I love how they keep changing to fit the needs of my customers. This customer wanted a lockable hatch over the Hide-A-Way cooler storage, but didn’t want to remove the lower kayaks to access it. So I give you “ lockable hatch over cooler storage.
What cool thing can we build for you?
Ask us about the single fishing Custom Kayak Trailer it even has a manual winch to help load your Kayak on board.